Friday, December 01, 2006

Blogging Blues

Before this class, I honestly had almost no idea as to what a blog was. At first, the term seemed completely foreign, and so informal. I would occasionally hear people talk about them, but only in professional terms, and I thought it was funny because blog sounds like a completely ridiculous word. Since I did not take them seriously, nor did I really care, I passed them off as being merely social networks in the technical world that had nothing to do with me.
When we started this class and Lilly told us that we were going to be keeping a blog of our own, my jaw dropped and I didn’t even know what to think about this huge task ahead of me. Not only did I have to learn exactly what a blog was, but she was also asking us to be technically savvy with them as well. We were expected to write these seemingly foreign “posts” on this bizarrely named site, called Blogger. “Great,” I thought, “Now I’m going to have to become like one of those computer geeks.”
At first, I was way out in left field in regards to even know where to begin with the blogs. I had no idea how to use the website, was not familiar with any of the terms, was still unsure what a blog was, or what to write. To gain an understanding, I read some other blogs before I began my own. I didn’t learn too much more than I knew, but it helped me begin my first blog. After getting the hang of writing the posts, I now had to update my blog to make it a full-fledged blog that included things such as links and a blog roll. After attempting the daunting task, I decided to seek help from fellow students, whose blogs I envied because mine looked no where near as good and technical as theirs did. Unfortunately, no one was able to help me, so I decided to seek help from the best source I knew for our blogs, Lilly. After a quick office visit, she taught me what I had been struggling to do all semester long! Now with a functioning blog, I finally feel accomplished!
The funny thing is, I never thought I would enjoy blogging as much as I do. I started out hating it, hating other blogs that looked better than mine, and hating to have to write a dumb post for each class. But as time passed, I found myself reading tons upon tons of blogs that had caught my eye. I searched all kinds of blogs, typically photo blogs, as well as daily life blogs, such as DOOCE. I refused to admit to it for a while, but I had become a blogger. Whether it’s my enjoyment for writing, or my fondness of being socially attached to so many people, it has pulled me into the blogging world and that’s all there is to it.


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