Sunday, September 17, 2006

An Age-Old Tale...

As technology advances, it seems as though books become more of an "old fashion" form of media. There are numerous resources that have begun to replace this age-old media, such as the Internet, videos, and CDs. Unfortunately, these advances do not seem to be slowing down. As information and publications become more accessible through new and various forms of media, the demand for the hard copies of books is drastically decreasing. The appeal of listening to books on tapes and CDs, as well as watching the movie form of a book outweighs the appeal of actually reading the book. This affects the publishing world because the demand for books will continue to decrease. Yet, I do not feel as though the publication of books will completely disappear. Although there will continue to be new forms of releasing books, whether through the internet or videos, the actual publication of hard back books will always remain a favorite of many people. Therefore, there will be a continued demand, no matter how small, for this form of publication.

Fortunately, I have saved numerous books from my childhood and plan to pass them on to my children, who will hopefully continue to pass them onto future generations. Many of my favorite books are no longer published, which is the reason I am saving them for my children. I cherish the books I grew up with and I hope to pass them on to my children, so they can enjoy them and learn the same things I learned from them.

Although there will always be new forms of publishing books, the “old fashioned” hard back copies will never go out of style.


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